SHITS TO CARE ABOUT: An Open Letter to The Executive Chairman of Oju LGA, Hon. Jackson Ominyi

The seat you now seat is an opportunity to revitalise the local government, addressing pressing challenges and harnessing our untapped potential.

Dear Chairman, Hon Ominyi Jackson


My spirit has nudged me to write to you today, first to congratulate you on your new role as the executive chairman of one of the largest LGAs in Benue State. Your emergence as the chairman at such a time as this, when our dear people at the grassroots need unity and inclusivity, is not a coincidence.


The seat you now seat is an opportunity to revitalise the local government, addressing pressing challenges and harnessing our untapped potential.


Your first litmus test is to unite the political factions and differences, especially among your cabinet members, then your party. After which you will unite all of us. Politics is now over, the remaining thing is leadership.


You must truly understand that you’re now the Chief Security Officer of the people of Oju local government, and by implication, you are not a chairman for Apc, nor are you a chairman for David A. Ogewu.


You’re not a chairman for Nick Eworo, neither are you a chairman for Ikong Cyril Ijebe, but for the people of Oju LGA and that must remain with you as long as you remain there.


As a lovely father that you are, extend the leadership style that reigns in your family to your administration. Extend the olive branch to your subordinates, especially the people who still feel pain by your emergence as the chairman and ensure that everyone is carried along.


Let me remind you that, we the youths are now informed are constantly demanding for good governance that’s principled on transparency and accountability. We shall be on your neck.


Before then, these are the issues;


Our healthcare and education require immediate attention. Oju LGA faces helpless, heart-wrenching challenges. Healthcare and education top them all.




Our healthcare centres are moribund. The ones that are functioning are only thriving on trial-by-error nurses.


I can’t categorically mention any of them now as none is fitting as I write. You must ensure quality assurance across these centres and work around restaffing and retooling them.


When that is done, you must consistently sponsor health education programs on the radio, especially for our women and girls. The data on maternal and child mortality rates in Oju is knee-jerking.


Together with your team at the health department, you must, please, have Mummy Grace Akpegi the producer and presenter of the Health is Wealth program of Choice 93.3 FM your closest friend in this fight.


She’s aged, however, her wealth of experience in community health is what you need. She will gift to you, other people like herself who will drive that department well.


Health discussions like empowerment programs for women and girls, especially on taking care of their bodies, are important.


Digital Dr Emmanuel Obam comes to mind, and he can design training for women and girls. You must sponsor free cancer testing centres across Oju and many other things which Dr. Obam’s services can open your eyes to.




I was in your hometown two years ago to see the state of Pilot Primary School, Oye-Idelle, in one of my investigations. What you see there is applicable in all communities in Igede land.


For that especially, please build classrooms for them. It doesn’t have to be a luxurious one. Build a portable one block of six classrooms for them. That is the only basic education centre in that place that has about five communities together.


Once that is done. You must please design workable regular training workshops for our teachers in those basic schools. Create a rewarding system for teachers to make them smile again. There is no leader without a teacher.


There are Civil Society Organisations and private entities that you can contract that can design and implement training workshops for teachers.


Ensure that creativeness is restored to our schools and make primary education worthwhile again in Oju LGA.


For secondary education, you must criminalise #hidden_fees of all kinds. Hidden fees in our government schools are a great threat to your administration.


We have “government schools” that are paying as high as 5-10 thousand naira per student. Their justification is to pay “Auxiliary staff”. You must eliminate it and restaff those schools.


Liaise with NYSC and COE Oju to give proper orientation to corp members and student teachers that would be sent to those schools, and make sure NYSC Oju LGA prioritises state-owned schools when giving PPAs.


Liaise with the BENUE SUBEB to restaff schools in your LG. Ensure that the ongoing teachers recruitment favours Oju LGA like other local governments.


I do not need to stress the importance of skills development as you already know the realities of our days.




Prioritise road maintenance and construction, connecting rural communities to the main town. Uwokwu district comes to mind as many communities there are in dire situations.


Water scarcity is becoming a thing of the past in many communities but again, take a walk one evening in January to Uwokwu and other hillside communities. Improve water supply, ensuring access to clean and potable water.




Be very friendly with the media. Have a well-trained press secretary.


The press secretary isn’t only about writing on Facebook. Media relations are also key in telling your people about what you are doing.


Town hall meetings and public forums should be some of your channels of communication. Have the people of Oju tell you about their needs, not about what you feel they need.


Do not joke with feedback mechanisms, including social media and citizen engagement platforms


To achieve these goals, assemble a diverse team of experts to provide research-based policy advice.


Foster partnerships with development-oriented individuals, organisations, and institutions. Encourage citizen participation in governance through:




Transparency and accountability are vital Implements:


Be open and accountable in decision-making processes


Mechanisms for tracking expenditures and reporting progress should be developed and implemented.


Regular auditing and financial reporting should never depart from you.


As a loving father, this is my rare outing and I appreciate that your read to this moment.


I am Jairus Awo and I care about your success.

Jairus Awo

Jairus Awo is a Nigerian Multimedia public interest journalist. He believes in the power of the media as a catalyst for development and societal growth. You can tip him an idea on

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