Strike: FG Drags ASUU to Industrial Court.

The statement released by the head of public relations at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment Olajide Oshundun has confirmed that the Federal Government has dragged the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to Court over the current seven months strike.

He stated that the decision was made after negotiations with the union failed,

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The government wants the court to order the University Teachers back to classrooms while the issues of disputes are handled by the court.

The letter which was signed by senator Chris Ngige the Minister of Labour and Employment on Friday, September 8 2022 is asking the court to determine the legality of the current strike by the Union.

In addition, the government is requesting the interpretation of the entire section 18 of the LFN 2004.

Other requests include the interpretation of section 43 of the trade dispute act CAP T8 LFN 2004, determine if ASUU members member are to be paid during the period of the strike.

“Determine whether ASUU has the right to embark on strike over disputes as is the case in this instance by compelling the Federal Government to employ its payment platform and determine the extent of the union’s demands since 2020.

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The Union embarked on strike since February 14th, 2022 to press home their demands which include the renegotiation of the 2009 agreement, the acceptance of UTAS over the current used IPPIS, payment of Earned Academic Allowances.

Others include the constitution of the visitation panel and the revitalization of public universities and the proliferation of State Universities.

TheMiddleBelt Reporters

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Flood Hits Benue State After Consistent Rainfall, Goods worth Millions Lost

Sun Sep 18 , 2022
Share on Facebook Tweet it Pin it Email After days of consistent rainfall some areas in the capital of Benue state have been flooded with goods worth millions lost. Some of the area flooded are Gyado Villa, Wurukum Market and Achusa all in the capital of the state. Some individuals who were affected lamented that the flood in Makurdi has become a yearly scenario with goods worth millions lost every year. Also Read: ReviveOurLibrary: Benue Citizens lament Moribund State Library. Mr Emeka who deals with Clothing at the Wurukum Market recounting his losses stated that “in the past three years I have lost goods worth 2 Million Naira due to the incident that occurs every year, the government should stand up to stop this yearly occurrence” Onah, a student of Benue State University Makurdi who could not hold back his tears while sharing his experience criticized the government for failing to provide ‘critical infrastructures’ in the state “the government has failed to provide critical infrastructure at every level, the school is on strike we are still losing our properties due to flooding if the government provides drainage system the yearly occurrence and losses could be averted” “the government should also provide enough hostel facilities for students like me on campus which will help (us) students cope with unnecessary loss of properties” Also Read: Strike: FG Drags ASUU to Industrial Court. A popular humanitarian in the state Ukan Kurugh also expressed that the “political will” of the government to solve the problem of flooding is low in the state. He also claimed that houses have been built on waterways by politicians in the state. In 2017 the government through professor Osibanjo pledged to dredge River Benue and create more drainages in the capital to address the situation Share on Facebook Tweet it Pin it Email Post Views: 137


Jairus Awo

Jairus Awo is a Nigeiran Muiltimedia public interest journalist. He believes in the power of the media as a catalyst to development and societal growth. You can tip him an idea on [email protected]

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