TheMiddleBelt Reporters is a regional online news platform documenting grassroots news, features, investigations, developments, solutions, tech, and social justice as well as fact-checking in the North Central Region of Nigeria.  We are calling on early-career journalists and campus journalists from the North Central state in Nigeria and those who are interested in writing compelling news reports, features, and community news about the Middlebelt, Nigeria.  Prior knowledge of journalistic writing is just an advantage, but the selection would not be based on that. However, applicants should have a flair for journalism and be ready to attend three days of training organized for selected applicants. Deadline November 15th 2022 Interested applicant should complete this form.


Jairus Awo

Jairus Awo is a Nigeiran Muiltimedia public interest journalist. He believes in the power of the media as a catalyst to development and societal growth. You can tip him an idea on