BBYDI Unveils YouthGovTracka, Amplifying Youth Power and Transparency in Nigerian Governance

Olasupo’s impassioned address highlighted the imperative to redirect attention from the Federal Government towards the critical decisions made at the state level.

Amidst a resounding call for youth empowerment and transparent governance, Abideen Opeyemi Olasupo, the Global Director of Brain Builders Youth Development Initiative (BBYDI), launched the groundbreaking YouthGovTracka platform.

This pivotal moment marks a significant shift in Nigeria’s governance narrative, emphasizing the pivotal role of youth engagement and accountability at the state level.

Olasupo’s impassioned address highlighted the imperative to redirect attention from the Federal Government towards the critical decisions made at the state level.


This focus realignment seeks to rectify the longstanding imbalance in citizen scrutiny, aiming to address unmet promises and overlooked needs, particularly impacting Nigeria’s dynamic youth and marginalized communities.


YouthGovTracka: Empowering Youth, Ensuring Accountability
The cornerstone of this transformative initiative is YouthGovTracka, an innovative online platform designed to bridge the gap between the aspirations of Nigeria’s youth and the actions of state governors.


This digital beacon, spearheaded by BBYDI, harnesses the zeal and energy of Generation Z, leveraging technology and citizen advocacy to hold state governors accountable for their pledges to youth development.


Central to this initiative are the youth focal points meticulously selected and trained across all 36 states. These ‘warriors for change,’ armed with knowledge and determination rather than weaponry, have a mandate to monitor, question, and drive accountability in governance.


Using technology, these focal points will meticulously track data, oversee promises made, and scrutinize their implementation.


Youth-Powered Commitments and Transparency Key to YouthGovTracka’s effectiveness are actionable commitments tailored to track state governors’ performance in crucial thematic areas.

These commitments prioritize youth voices in governance, support young political candidates, and fortify civic spaces for young advocates and artists.


The platform also emphasizes participatory mechanisms and investment in civic education for marginalized groups.
Transparency lies at the heart of this initiative.


Monthly scorecards evaluating state governors’ performance will be published, providing an open and honest assessment for all citizens to scrutinize. The Citizen Accountability Toolkit, translated into local languages, empowers citizens to articulate and demand their rights, fostering informed demands and propelling responsible governance.


A Call to Collaborative Action
Olasupo passionately urged collective action, highlighting the power to reshape Nigeria’s democracy, uplift marginalized communities, and ensure state governors’ accountability.


YouthGovTracka stands as a compass, guiding Nigeria towards a future where transparency, accountability, and effective governance reign supreme.


Youth Empowerment: A Shared Responsibility

The Brain Builders Initiative’s unveiling of YouthGovTracka amplifies the potency of youth power and transparency, promising a paradigm shift where every voice matters, actions speak louder than words, and the aspirations of Nigeria’s youth drive progress.

TheMiddleBelt Reporters

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Contractor's Wife Dies of Cancer as Treatment Centre Remains Locked Years After Completion

Fri Dec 8 , 2023
By: Manasseh Mbachii  On the 15th of November, 2010, IDS Limited, a construction company, was contracted to design and to construct the Cancer Screening Centre for the Benue State Government for an initial contract sum of N111 Million naira and later revised to N138 Million naira due to delay by the government in honouring contract agreement.  The project which was to last for a duration of 12 months was supervised by the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development. The contractor told this reporter that  a payment of 77 million naira, representing 70% mobilisation fund, was released between November 15, 2010 to March 2012 under the administration of Senator Gabriel Suswam.  However, the construction of the Cancer  Screening Centre was not completed due to delay in the payment of outstanding fees as agreed by the contractor and the Benue State Government.  In November, 2015 the wife of immediate past Benue State Governor, Mrs. Eunice Ortom announced that her husband, Samuel Ortom would complete the Cancer Screening Centre Project initiated by his predecessor. Mrs Ortom made this disclosure while speaking at the 2015 breast cancer awareness campaign held at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi. Pin it Email On the 16th of July, 2016, Mr Tahav Agerzua, who was at the time, Special Adviser to Mr Ortom on Media and ICT announced that the Ortom administration had released N80 million for the completion of the project.  Investigation by this reporter however revealed that out of the N80 million reported to have been released, only N34 million was paid to the contractor, IDS Limited. Details of the payment made available to this reporter shows that the contractor received N12 million naira on the 26 October, 2016, and N22 million naira on the 14th of June, 2019.  Terver Akase, media aide to former governor Samuel Ortom could not provide answers when questioned on the remaining N46 million released by the Ortom administration, after previously directing this reporter to contact the project contractor for details. The cancer project which was aimed at reducing medical tourism embarked upon yearly by citizens of the state has over the years received budgetary allocation from the Benue state government. For instance, in 2021 and 2022 the state budget, about N12 million was approved for the completion of the cancer project. Findings by this reporter however revealed that the approved N12 million naira was not released to the contractor. When this reporter visited Pauline Maka Women Development Centre, Jonah Jang Crescent, High Level Makurdi, where the cancer project is located, it was observed that the cancer centre is completed but not in use for the purpose it was built. This reporter observed that the project is now housing Family Worship Centre, a church owned by Pastor Sarah Omakwu. It was also observed that the cancer project is in a dilapidated state, having some of its windows fallen off and electrical appliances disconnected. When contacted, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Joy Adole said the project has not been handed over to the ministry. “The cancer centre has not been handed over to us. We have drawn the attention of the current administration to the project. The contractor however said the government is still owing him. And, until his outstanding balance is paid before handing over the project to the ministry,” she said.  When the contractor, Architect James Ugo was contacted, he explained he was contracted to design and to construct the Cancer Screening Centre for the Benue State Government under the Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development, on 15th November 2010.  He said, the contract was awarded for N111 Million, and revised to N138 Million naira due to delay by the government in honouring the contract agreement.  “Cancer Screening Centre is the project I was involved in from the inception. I was requested by the former First Lady, Yemisi Suswam to design and to construct. The initial contract sum was N111 million naira, and revised contract sum is N138 million naira. My outstanding balance from the contract sum is N15 million naira, and outstanding claims from the last time I calculated is N18 million naira due to delay in honouring valuation certificates as per contract agreement. In total, the government is owning me N33 million naira,” he said, adding that the balance keeps increasing. Mr James further revealed that he leased the cancer centre to Family Worship Centre, Makurdi Branch adding that the government should determine and honour outstanding claims amounting to N33 million as per agreement.  “Since dilapidation has set in due to non-use of the facility, the government should prepare a dilapidation schedule and re-award the contract as a renovation contract to us or any other Contractor. However, we give our word that, if paid our outstanding claims, we can go ahead and renovate the building at no additional cost to the government. When the government is ready, I will ask the people to leave, repaint, wash and clean. If there is anything that has fallen anywhere, I will just touch it and handover the keys,” he concluded. How Woman Dies in Benue From Cancer Sickness Mr James who lost his wife, Margaret Ugo, to endometrial cancer in 2021, said he never knew his wife would be a victim of cancer after he was commissioned to execute a cancer project adding that if cancer screening centre was in operation, it would have saved his wife’s life. “My wife, Margaret Ugo died of endometrial cancer in 2021, so I know the importance of cancer screening centre. Before this project was commissioned, there was a cancer awareness organised at Aminu Isa Kontagora. I never knew that I was going to be a victim of cancer after I was commissioned to execute a cancer project. The project that would have saved my wife’s life. By the time she was diagnosed with cancer, she was already bleeding,” he said. Cancer has remained top of the list of diseases that are indiscriminately reducing the welfare and wellness of persons across the world, particularly, in developing countries like Nigeria. Statistics provided by the World Health Organisation’s 2020 report shows that cancer tops the list of killer diseases with nearly 10 million deaths. Nigeria has one of the highest cancer mortality rates in the world, with approximately four out of five cases resulting in death, according to the Global Cancer Observatory. A cancer patient who did not want her name mentioned said it took months before she was diagnosed with cancer. She said there was no special cancer screening centre, so it was difficult to diagnose. “My husband never knew what was wrong with me. We moved from one hospital to another until I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in Abuja. I am now receiving treatment at Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi.”  He said. Chief Press Secretary to the Benue State Government, Tersoo Kula, said he would get back to this reporter on what the current government is doing to complete the centre. “We shall get back to you,” Mr Kula said but he hasn’t as of press time.   This report was produced under the UDEME project of the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID). Edited by Kemi Busari. Post Views: 133

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Jairus Awo

Jairus Awo is a Nigeiran Muiltimedia public interest journalist. He believes in the power of the media as a catalyst to development and societal growth. You can tip him an idea on [email protected]

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